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My Daily Checklist

Have you ever heard a definition of hell?

“On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” — Anonymous

There’s no such thing as an unimportant day in your life. The things you do and the actions you take today are creating your future. The person you are becoming and what your life will stand for is truly up to you.

My daily checklist allows me to get the most from the day and keeps me on track to accomplish greater things. On those days, when you’re completing the last item on the list, keep in mind Ice Cube’s lyrics “Today was a good day!”

My daily checklist

  1. Plan your everyday tasks, track progress, gather and analyze the learnings. A bullet journal works well, but I highly recommend a digital journal on steroids Roam.
  2. Meditate every morning for at least 10 minutes. Calm and Headspace apps are the best choice for beginners.
  3. Exercise. It can be strength training, sports, running, yoga, etc. Find your passion and practice it regularly.
  4. Eat naturally. Lean meat, veggies, fruits, and nuts. Avoid processed and fast food. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.
  5. Practice what you suck at. It isn’t 10,000 hours that creates outliers, it’s 10,000 iterations.
  6. Limit all social media and anything else that gives your brain dopamine hits. Time is our most valuable resource and should be invested in better deals.
  7. Boost your creativity. Read books, hang out with fascinating people, and spend time in nature.
  8. Sleep on time and sleep enough, ideally 8 hours every night. You should rest well to keep your game up.